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Inicio | Specialities | Neurosurgery

Our differential service

The injuries and diseases treated with neurosurgery can be of malformative, inflammatory, degenerative or tumour-related origin and are grouped within six specialised areas: spine pathology, brain tumour pathology, pituitary surgery, neurovascular pathology, pain treatment and cerebrospinal fluid pathology.
Do you suffer a sudden, acute pain in the head, neck or back? Among the most common conditions treated by our team of neurosurgeons are herniated cervical, dorsal and lumbar discs, sciatica, brain tumours and degenerative diseases of the spine. Let our team of specialists evaluate you; they will use the most advanced medical technology to conduct all the tests required to reach a reliable diagnosis.


What diseases do we treat in neurosurgery?

By means of a physical examination and an interview in which you can explain your symptoms, the neurosurgeon will conduct all the required tests and prescribe a personalised treatment for you. These are some of the most common pathologies that affect the central and peripheral nervous system and that we treat at CreuBlanca

  • Cervical, thoracic or lumbar disc hernia.
  • Lumbar protrusion.
  • Bone marrow compression.
  • Myelopathy.
  • Radiculopathy.
  • Spondylarthrosis.
  • Spondylolisthesis.
  • Fractures.
  • Lumbago.
  • Degenerative discopathy.
  • Foraminal stenosis (nerve entrapment).
Main diagnostic means and technologies

At CreuBlanca we invest in and implement the most advanced and innovative technologies in order to offer an optimal healthcare service based on prevention, early diagnosis and personalized treatment.

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electromyography (EMG)


Imaging tests

Medical professionals

The specialists who will assist you at CreuBlanca

More than 450 medical and healthcare professionals provide their talent and experience to improve your health, covering all medical specialities.

Dr. Sanmillán Blasco, José Luis

Member no.: 45986

Center: Clínica CreuBlanca

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